A Lanair Waste Oil Heater Puts the “Freeze” on High Energy Costs

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Easy Parts Finder Look Up

Easily find parts for all Lanair heater models! Whether you’re installing a new system or maintaining your current one, our handy parts-finding tool simplifies locating and ordering everything you need. Keep your waste oil heater running efficiently and extend its lifespan.




  • Heater with 80 gallon tank
  • thru roof 6" chimney kit

How much is your used oil worth?

Use our savings calculator to find out how much green you will save while protecting the environment.

NOTE: These values are based on U.S. Energy Information Administration energy prices using 200,000 BTU equivalent calculations. This value is only an estimate and due to fluctuating factors, including installation conditions, weather and the constantly changing fuel-source prices, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this calculator.

What is your current Heating Source?
How many gallons of waste oil does your business produce in a year? 
By replacing your current heating source with a waste oil heater.
Your 1st Year Savings, could be as much as:
What is your current waste oil disposal cost per gallon? $
Your additional savings from burning waste oil instead of disposing of waste oil, would be:
Over the course of 10 years you could save:

XT SeriesSeries

Value Packages

Now Burns 100% Synthetic Oil, along with other used fluids!

  • Easy Self Installation
  • Factory Direct Pricing
  • Free Lifetime Phone Support
  • Avoid Costly Disposal Fees

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Parts & Accessories

Purchasing Factory Direct Parts & Accessories for your Lanair Waste Oil Heater insures the highest quality of replacement parts and compatibility. Annual maintenance keeps your heater operating at peak performance and the installation of parts and accessories is made easy through Free Technical Support (via phone).

"I was very pleased with the Lanair heater I had for 20 years. I needed to replace it and naturally went with another Lanair." - Daniel Skowron / Complete Automotive

Frequently Asked Questions

- Click here to read all frequently asked questions -

How does a LANAIR Waste Oil Heater work?

Look at our diagram to get an idea of how a LANAIR Waste Oil Heater works!

View Diagram

Why burn waste oil when I can have it hauled away?

You are giving away valuable fuel which could be used with a LANAIR Waste Oil Heater to generate free heat for your shop! Check out our "waste oil value" calculator to get an idea of how quickly this can add up!

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Who can I talk with about installation or maintenance?

Call and ask to speak with one of our knowledgeable factory service technicians.

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